Guests and Hosted events network access is provided by
WiFi6 with the SSID of "WVSU-Guest".
Guests should connect with the initial password of: Go$tate!
The device should open a browser and show the following page:
Sometimes you may have to open a browser on a guest device.
The user should enter your name and your email address. Then click on
On the next page
The user should enter the sponsor's email adress. This has to be someone with
a "" email. An email will be sent to this email address
to confirm approval of access. The user will have to mark the box that they
agree to WVSU BOG policy."
At this point and email will be sent to the sponsor.
The sponsor will get this email:
The sponsor just needs to click on the link in the email and then the Guest
will have access for the next 24 hours.